Waller Hugh Patton RSA RSW

1828 - 1895

Walter Hugh Paton was a painter in oil but principally watercolour of landscapes. He was the first Scottish painter to work entirely in the open air, most of his compositions being of the hill and river scenery of Perthsire, Aberdeenshire and especially Arran, often at sunset.

He was the son of a Dunfermline damask designer, antiquarian and religious mystic. He joined his brother on sketching holidays at the family's summer house on Arran, where his interest in landscape painting originated.

Queen Victoria commissioned him to undertake a drawing of Holyrood Palace in 1862.

A most prolific artist, of which all his major works and many smaller studies were reproduced in postcard size. His portrayal of the Scottish Highlands in pre-Raphaelite detail and with a predilection for sunset in unsurpassed.